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Kristian Ullrich's avatar
Kristian Ullrich committed
# Scripts for the Publication:

Kristian Ullrich's avatar
Kristian Ullrich committed
Ullrich KK, Tautz D

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Kristian Ullrich committed
## Data sources

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Kristian Ullrich committed
Genome mapping files for _Mus musculus domesticus GER_, _Mus musculus domesticus FRA_, _Mus musculus domesticus IRA_, _Mus musculus musculus AFG_, _Mus musculus castaneus CAS_ and _Mus spretus SPRE_ were obtained from <>, <>, <>, <>.

For mapping details please look into the original publication ([Harr et al. 2016]( <>.
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Kristian Ullrich committed
## Get masking regions for individual samples and natural populations

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Kristian Ullrich committed
For masking genomic regions in natural populations which showed low coverage based on the genomic mapping BAM files we only considered the stable chromosomes from the reference GRCm38 _mm10_ <>.

The BAM files were processed with 'genomeCoverageBed' to obtain site specific genome coverage and further united with 'unionBedGraphs'. The per population combined coverage was further processed to only retain regions with a coverage smaller than 5 resulting as the masking regions.

genomeCoverageBed example for the population _Mus musculus musculus AFG_:
#example for populaton Mmm_AFG:
#used BAM files:


for file in *.bam; do genomeCoverageBed -ibam $file -bga -g $REFFERENCE > $file".bga";done

unionBedGraphs example for the population _Mus musculus musculus AFG_:


unionBedGraphs -i $INPUT1 $INPUT2 $INPUT3 $INPUT4 $INPUT5 $INPUT6 | awk -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN {sum=0} {for (i=4: i<=NF; i++) sum+=$1; print $1,$2,$3,sum; sum=0}' > $OUTPUT

get masking region example for the population _Mus musculus musculus AFG_:
awk '{if($4<5) print $0}' $INPUT > $INPUT".stcov5"
bedtools merge -i $INPUT".stcov5" > $INPUT".stcov5.merge"
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$2,$3,4}' $INPUT".stcov5.merge" > $OUTPUT
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_used software:_
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Kristian Ullrich committed
+ bedtools v2.24.0 <>
+ awk
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## SNP and INDEL calling

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## K80 distance calculation

### Get population specific SNPs

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Kristian Ullrich committed

### Calculate population specific Consensus sequence

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Kristian Ullrich committed
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### Calculate K80 distance between populations

## Dxy distance calculation

### Calculate Dxy distance between populations

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Kristian Ullrich committed

### Calculate Dxy distance between individuals and populations

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Kristian Ullrich committed
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