Mathias Goebel authoredMathias Goebel authored
OpenAPI (formerly swagger) is a standard for REST-API documentation and so optimized to describe standardized communication with HTTP.
RESTXQ is the implementation of well-known function annotations in XQuery.
This software combines the power of function annotation in XQuery to prepare an OpenAPI conform documentation. It covers the RESTXQ annotations as well as the XQSuite annotations and uses xqDocs for describing the API.
It is meant to be used for a single expath package and written for eXist-db.
For preparing the openapi.json
the application is build with
If you want to use swagger-ui (a ready-to-use documentation in HTML) you have to load the swagger-ui package before:
npm install && ant
Install the build target (xar package) to a recent eXist-db by either placing
the file in the autodeploy
directory or using the package manager application
installed by default at a running database.
Integrated in own applications
By adding the following lines to the controller.xql
a path like
will become available. (The usage of the pipe operator requires XQuery version 3.1.)
else if (starts-with($exist:path, "/openapi/")) then
<dispatch xmlns="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist">
url="/openapi/{ $exist:path => substring-after("/openapi/") => replace("json", "xq") }"
<add-parameter name="target" value="{ substring-after($exist:root, "://") || $exist:controller }"/>
<add-parameter name="register" value="false"/>
By default the application provides a preview and a few simple REST paths as test interfaces. Open the application via the Dashboard or browse to http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/openapi/index.html.
To view the documentation for other packages, use the input filed in the top bar
to ask for a description file at openapi.json?target=/db/apps/myApplication
Optional the re-registration of functions to the RESTXQ engine is possible via
an additional parameter: ®ister=true
To include information not present in one of the parsed documents, the library
checks the availability of a resources named openapi-config.xml
in the
root collection of the application where to create the description file for.
It is recommended to place a customized copy of the file provided with this
To start developing or testing the package a ant target is available that sets up the environment.
ant test && bash test/eXist-db-*/bin/startup.sh
Behind the curtain the information will be collected by calling
combining path and query parameters
Query parameters passed by %rest:query-param()
MUST use a name different from
path parameter variable names. Since the parameter name can be defined different
from the variable name via this function, it is REQUIRED to use different path
variable name and query parameter names. It is CONSIDERED to be best practice
that both – name and var name – SHOULD not interfere or have any cross-realation
by their names.
Example values
Example values are taken from the %test:arg()
annotation and the usage of
is not supported.
There is no relation between the author of this software and the named companies, initiatives, products, specifications and trademarks.
This software is written to comply with the OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) and provides an implementation for RESTXQ. It is tested with eXist-db eXclusively.
Usage of the OpenAPI Logo is in accordance to the guidelines provided at openapis.org/faq. In this case it is used to appear on eXist-db dashboard screen when this application is installed.
OAS and OpenAPI Specification and their respective logos, are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.