### Calculate dK80 distance between populations using the CONSENSUS pseudo-genome files
To calculate dK80 distance between populations, quartets ([X],[Y],[Z],[O]) are used. Within the population quartets, dK80 is calculated for trios (e.g. [X],[Z],[O]) on non-verlapping sequence windows ($w$) throughout the investigated genome between this population triplet on a window ($w_{i}$) as:
where $d_{XO_{w_{i}}} and $d_{XZ_{w_{i}}} are defined as the average Kimura's 2-parameter sequence distance ([Kimura 1980](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7463489)) between the corresponding two populations calculated with the function 'dist.dna' of the of the R package 'ape' ([Paradis et al. 2004](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/20/2/289/204981/APE-Analyses-of-Phylogenetics-and-Evolution-in-R)) using the model 'K80'. Prior the calculation of dK80 all sites with missing data within the specified window ($w_{i}$) and the specified populations were removed across the whole quartet with the 'Biostrings' R package ([Pages et al. 2009](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biostrings.html)).
example for chromosome 1 for the dK80 calculation for the quartet [X]: _Mus musculus domesticus FRA; [Y]: _Mus musculus domesticus GER; [Z]: _Mus musculus domesticus IRA; [O]: _Mus musculus musculus AFG_:
#example for the quartet [X]: FRA; [Y]: GER; [Z]: IRA; [O]: AFG
#change the bottom part of the script 'get_dK80.r' for each chromosome and quartet
NOTE: For each quartet comparison all analyzed chromosomes were merged into one file.
_used software:_
+ R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
+ R package ape_4.1
+ R package Biostrings_2.40.2
+ R package S4Vectors_0.10.3
+ R package XVector_0.12.1
+ R package IRanges_2.6.1
+ R package BiocGenerics_0.18.0
## Simulation
To simulate genomes, first we estimated the number of pair-wise segregating sites with the CONSENSUS pseudo-genome files adding the reference mm10. Subsequently we used